History of Chanel

From her first millinery shop, opened in 1912, to the 1920s, Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel rose to become one of the premier fashion designers in Paris, France. Replacing the corset with comfort and casual elegance, her fashion themes included simple suits and dresses, women’s trousers, costume jewelry, perfume and textiles. She claimed a birthdate of 1893 …

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History of Bayer

On August 1, 1863, businessman Friedrich Bayer and master dyer Johann Friedrich Weskott established a dyestuffs factory in Barmen, now a part of Wuppertal. Soon afterwards, in 1865, the two men purchased an interest in a coal tar dye factory in the United States and began exporting intermediates. In 1876 a dyestuffs factory was opened …

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History of Yahoo!

In January 1994, Stanford graduate students Jerry Yang and David Filo created a website named “Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web”. Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web was a directory of other web sites, organized in a hierchary, as opposed to a searchable index of pages. In April 1994, “Jerry’s Guide to the …

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History of Westinghouse

George Westinghouse was a prolific inventor who influenced the course of history by enabling the growth of the railroads through his inventions and by promoting the use of electricity for power and transportation. As an industrial manager, George Westinghouse’s influence on industrial history is considerable, having formed and directed more than 60 companies to market …

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History of Parker Bros.

In 1883, an enterprising 16-year-old boy named George S. Parker took $40 of his total $50 life savings to publish and market a game he had invented called BANKING. Little did he know that this small investment would lead to the founding of one of America’s oldest and largest game manufacturers, PARKER BROTHERS. For nearly …

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History of National Geographic Magazine

The National Geographic Society was founded in Washington, D.C. on January 27, 1888, by 33 explorers and scientists who were interested in “organizing a society for the increase and diffusion of geographical knowledge.” They had begun discussing forming the Society two weeks earlier on January 13, 1888, before gathering at the Cosmos Club, a private …

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