History of AT&T

The birth of the new AT&T; is, in large measure, the culmination of the evolution of communications in the United States. AT&T;’s roots stretch back to 1876, with Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone and the founding of the company that became AT&T.; As the parent company of the Bell System, AT&T; provided what …

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History of Verisign

Every day, VeriSign intelligent infrastructure services enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the world’s voice and data networks. To say the least, the world is dynamically transforming. And at the very center of this transformation, billions of times every day, the world relies on a company it may not even realize is …

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History of L’oreal

In 1907, Eugène Schueller, a young French chemist, developed an innovative hair-color formula. He called his improved hair dye Auréole. With that, the history of L’Oréal began. Eugène Schueller formulated and manufactured his own products, which he then sold to Parisian hairdressers. In 1909, Schueller registered his company, the Société Française de Teintures Inoffensives pour …

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History of Diners Club International

It all began with a forgotten wallet… It’s 1949. Businessman Frank McNamara schedules dinner at Major’s Cabin Grill, a New York City restaurant. Dinner over, Frank realizes he has left his wallet in his other suit. His wife rescues him and pays. He resolves never to face this embarrassment again.

History of Lavazza

La Luigi Lavazza, S.p.A. is an Italian manufacturer of coffee products. Founded in Turin in 1895 by Luigi Lavazza and initially run from a small grocery store at Via San Tommaso 10, it has now gained a worldwide reputation for excellence in espresso coffee production and chic advertising. Lavazza S.p.A. is currently administered by the …

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History of Fruit of the Loom

The Fruit of the Loom brand dates back to 1851 in Rhode Island when Robert Knight, a textile mill owner, visited his friend, Rufus Skeel. Mr. Skeel owned a small shop in Providence, Rhode Island that sold cloth from Mr. Knight’s mill. Mr. Skeel’s daughter painted images of fruit and applied them to the bolts …

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